Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mark Teixeira Wears Flattering Pants

Massive free agent signing for the 2009 season (and beyond), #25, 1B MVP Candidate Mark Teixeira is today's Featured Yankees Butt.

Though his legendary slow starts seem to drag on forever, we all know the type of numbers Teixeira will put up by the end of the season. Mark hit a bump in the road a couple of weeks ago after fouling a ball off his foot, but if the past 2 games are any indication, he's finally starting to reheat up. Then again, it's Baltimore.

While I don't typically spend much time pondering Teixeira's Yankees Butt, I do enjoy this photo (taken at an 8/2009 BP). There's something about how the pinstripes frame his Yankees Butt. Please note: #19, Ramiro Pena* on the left-- same pants, different optical illusion. Teix wears the pants well, is what I'm saying.

Mark looks like he's listening to Swisher here, but he's actually daydreaming about snack bars.

* You'll get a post, Ramiro- as soon as you turn 18.


  1. You are so right! Pena's pants just don't have quite the same fit. But I'm sure Tex is paying close attention to Swish LOL

  2. Mmmm...snack bars of bacon-y goodness.
